To Excel in Nursing for the Well-Being of Mankind

Thank you to The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, School of Nursing for the wealth of exclusive resources & reference material to further equip all those who work with young girls facing a crisis pregnancy.

Pediatric Tuina for ADHD symptoms

Dr Janice Yuen-Shan Ho 何宛珊博士

Pediatric Tuina for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms
為專注力不足 / 過度活躍症癥狀幼兒進行推拿須知

Mental Health Crisis

Dr Teris Cheung 張綽芝博士

Mental health care for teens facing crisis pregnancy

Chinese Medicine: Post-Natal Dietary Care 
產後飲食須知 – 由中醫角度入手
Prepared by: Mr Wong Hon Fat
Clinical Associate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Supporting Very Young Mothers in Breastfeeding
Prepared by: Evangeline Lam, R.N., R.M., IBCLC
Clinical Associate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 

Effectiveness of a Sexuality Education Program for Youths in Group Homes
Prepared by: 由以下同學及何穎嘉博士提供:
CHOI Pak Kan, Kan, LAI Ching Kwan, Grace, LUK Yi Ki, Kay, WONG Ching Tung, Janice, WONG Chun Sing, Kenneth, Dr Grace W.K. HO, PhD, RN 

Factors Associated with Service Utilization Among Young Women with Crisis Pregnancy in HK:
A Secondary Data Analysis of Client Data, prepared based on hotline data provided by Mother’s Choice
Prepared by: 由以下同學及何穎嘉博士提供:
CHAN Ho Cheong, IP Ting Yi, Lesley, TSANG Nip Sze, HO Tsz Ching, KWAN Chung Hin, TSOI Ka Chun, LI Ka Ho, LI Lik Yee, Dr Grace W.K. Ho, PhD, RN 

Online Child Protection Training at Mother’s Choice: A Secondary Analysis of Administrative Data Comparing Pre- and Post-Implementation

Prepared by: 由以下同學及何穎嘉博士提供:
CHAN Kwok San, CHAN Oi Po, CHENG Wing Tung, CHOW Hee Tung, LAI Cheuk Ying, LEE Ka Man, LO Ka Ying, SO Sin Yi, Dr Grace W.K. HO, PhD, RN


  • Dr Teris Cheung

    Dr Teris Cheung is an Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dr Cheung is an experienced researcher in mental health/psychiatry, and also with more than 10 years of clinical experience in different sub-specialty in psychiatry, both in the UK and Hong Kong healthcare settings.

    Dr Cheung obtained her first degree in Nursing Science in the CUHK (1st class honours), and a Master of Arts in Philosophy and Ethics of Mental Health at the University of Warwick, UK, and an MPhil (cantab) in Criminology at the University of Cambridge, UK, and a PhD in Social Sciences, University of Hong Kong.

    Dr Cheung’s research interest lies in depression, suicide prevention and precaution, mental health promotion, and improve mental health digital literacy in the general population and at-risk subpopulations.

    Dr Cheung has authored and co-authored more than 100 peer-reviewed publications internationally, as at today on 8 Feb 2022. Dr. Cheung is also the pioneer to use advanced, non-invasive brain stimulation ‘Transcranial Pulse Stimulation’ to evaluate its efficacy on young adults with Major Depressive Disorder in the world.

    Last but not least, Dr Cheung is also the journal reviewer for prestigious journal like Journal of Affective Disorder, BMC Nursing, and International Journal of Environmental and Public Health. She is involved in over 15 external competitive grants and internal grants since 2016, in the capacity of PI, Co-PI and Co-I.


    張博士是香港理工大學護理學院助理教授。她是一位經驗豐富的心理健康/精神病學研究員,從英國和香港的不同精神病學的附屬專業醫療機構的工作中,擁有超過 10 年的臨床經驗

    截至 2022 年 2 月 8 日,張博士已在不同國際期刊上撰寫和合著了 超過100 篇由同行評審的文章。張博士也是世界上使用先進、非侵入性腦刺激「經顱脈衝刺激」技術來評估治療年輕重度抑鬱症患者成效的先導者。

    最後,張博士也是學術期刊的審閱者,包括如 Journal of Affective Disorder、BMC Nursing 和 International Journal of Environmental and Public Health。自 2016 年以來,她以 PI、Co-PI 和 Co-I 的身份參與了超過 15 項外部和內部資助的工作。

  • Dr Janice Ho

    Dr Janice Ho

    Dr Janice Yuen-Shan Ho is an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She earned her Ph.D. degree from The University of Hong Kong and she is also a registered Chinese medicine practitioner. Her research has been focused on neurodegeneration, neuroprotective herbs and using Chinese medicine for the management of chronic disease. She has worked on both preclinical and clinical projects. She has extensive experience in teaching Chinese medicine and Chinese medicinal nursing.


  • Hon Fat Wong, The HK Polytechnic University

    Mr Hon Fat Wong

    Mr Hon Fat Wong is currently a Clinical Associate at the School of Nursing of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He received his first Chinese Medicine (CM) degree in 1999, Australia (Victoria University), and his second in 2004 from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He became a CM practitioner and began teaching CM to nursing students in 2010. Hong Fat is particularly interested in understanding the role of CM in sleep. Although CM seems traditional, he attempts to offer novel insight on CM from different perspectives. For example, his research showed that LUNG medication in CM can be effective in shortening sleep latency, which has never been reported before 2013. His goal as a CM educator is to make abstract contents easy enough to be understood by everyone and extend their application to daily life, and to show that CM is both scientific and timeless. Therefore, Hon Fat not only teaches CM but also broadens the horizon on how CM can be approached and used in differently and more effective ways.


  • Evangeline Lam, The HK Polytechnic University

    Ms Evangeline Lam

    Ms Evangeline Lam is an experienced registered nurse and midwife with 20 years of post-registration clinical experience. She has extensive clinical experience in the areas of obstetrics, as exemplified by her work across antenatal, labour, and post-natal wards. Ms. Lam is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, qualified by the IBLCE since 2014. She routinely delivers antenatal talks for pregnant women and provides breastfeeding consultation for post-natal mothers while she was working in hospital obstetric unit. Ms. Lam also excels in tertiary nursing education and has extensive teaching experience in obstetrics and gynecology for nursing students in both Bachelors and Masters level programmes. She was conferred with the OUHK President's Award for Teaching Excellence in 2018. Ms. Lam is currently a Clinical Associate at the School of Nursing of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

    林婉華女士是一位註冊護士及助產士,擁有超過20年註冊後臨床經驗。她在產科領域擁有豐富的臨床經驗,包括產前、分娩和產後病房工作。林女士自 2014 年起獲得 IBLCE 認證,成為國際認可的哺乳顧問。她在醫院產科工作期間定期為孕婦進行產前講座,並為產後母親提供母乳喂養諮詢。林女士亦擅長高等護理教育,並在婦產學科上擁有豐富本科及碩士課程教學經驗。她於2018年獲頒公開大學校長卓越教學獎。林女士現為香港理工大學護理學院臨床導師。

  • Dr Grace Ho

    Dr Grace W.K. Ho, PhD, RN is an Assistant Professor at the School of Nursing of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She is committed to understanding the needs and improving the health and wellbeing of vulnerable children and families through a holistic, biopsychosocial lens. Her research aims to promote positive parenting and safe childhoods in at-risk families with young children; evaluate child protection policies and enhance child abuse reporting; and strengthen mental health and resilience in trauma-exposed populations.

    何穎嘉博士 , PhD, RN 為香港理工大學護理學院助理教授,透過全面及生物心理社會學角度,致力瞭解弱勢兒童及家庭的需要,幫助他們改善健康及福址。她的研究目標是向撫養幼兒的高危家庭推廣正確的育兒及保護兒童方式;評估保護兒童政策,加強舉報虐兒個案;以及增強受創傷者的心理健康及復原力。